Saturday, July 14, 2007

Two-Part Entries: Read First!

David came tonight and saved the day! I had gone out shopping today at the U. Village and I was looking at the Sony Store. They had Bluetooth Keyboards for pdas! But it was $149! I told the salesguy, "I have to call my husband to make sure I can buy this!" I called David and told him about the keyboard and he thought that was a little outrageous and so I said I would check out the Office Depot around the corner. In the meantime, his wheels started to spin in his head...

I went to the Office Depot and of course they only had a keyboard for a Palm! I called David as I was leaving and he said that he has a program that he can sync the pda to the laptop and I can use the laptop to type using the WIFI connection of the pda! No I know some of you are tuing me out right about now, so here's the punchline:

I'M TYPING ON THE LAPTOP!!! I can't believe it! Once again, my fair prince has made all my dreams come true!

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