Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to School? Wha...!?!?

I received a back-to-school email from our principal today. I am still in denial that our summer is soon coming to a close. Hard to believe that in other parts of the country kids have already started school.

Yumi has gone without incident since our homecoming on July 30. We are so thankful to the Lord for every healthy day! She is making up for all the lost time by spending lots of time with TJ and the donkeys, Slick and Samantha. I have to say that I never thought donkeys could be so cute, but really, it is in their personality. It is so sweet to see Yumi sitting down on the ground and the two donkeys with their heads so close to her and just staying still! It's like they just want to breathe her in and be close to her and get some "loves". Yumi has been getting her fair share of exercise as she chases them around with a chair. This is the only way Slick will run. He's not afraid of the ball like Samantha is!

It's fun to start planning the year with our youngest, Everett now going off to Kindergarten. I am yet undecided on my work schedule. I have really enjoyed the time off! I'm even having a garage sale this weekend! The kids will operate the snack and pop table as I run around at the last minute trying to price things, since I have procrastinated that task! I am so anxious about tomorrow that I can't even sleep. I have a million things running through my head of what I have to do in the morning, the least of which is exercising at 7 am, and I can't even close my eyes. Which explains this late-night post. And my rambling on. And my posting comments to other blogs of family members...


Jeanette said...

once i was at the woodland park zoo and we were in the petting zoo section. i was petting the goats or something and i guess i spooked a donkey because it started making the most horrible noise and jumping all over the place and wouldn't stop even after i lept out of the pen. jeanette: spooker of donkeys! my friends have not let me live that down yet. donkeys are kind of cute though, i agree, even if they are obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are not posting updates on Yumi's medical issues. We are praying that she is healed. Mary